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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:19 am

Species Name: Folc
Species Adjective: Folc
Empire Name: S.I.B.C.R.
Empire Adjective: Cirnii
Phenotype: Arthropod
Positive Traits: Natural Engineers, Rapid Breeders, Resilient
Negative Traits: Fleeting, Weak, Solitary
Ethos: Spiritualist, Individualist, Militarist
FTL Method: Wormhole
Primary Weapon Type: Laser
Government: Technically a Divine Mandate, but in reality a Theocratic Oligarchy, with the Emperor having almost no power at all
Civilization: Fledgling Empire
Homeworld: Carrak (Tundra)

Species Description: The Folc of Carrak
Carrak has the dubious honor of bearing host to several intelligent species of the same genus, Folc. All the Folc are quadripedal arthropods with two sets of, somewhat vestigial, raptorial arms; in exchange for their ability to pin and hold prey, like other mantises, they instead developed so that the top pair of arms bear three manipulative digits, and the bottom pair bear two grasping digit. This allowed for greater versatility, tool usage and fine motor control. All Folc also have two sets of powerful digitigrade legs for walking and running, with a set of small claws at the bottom for keeping their feet and to assist in climbing, as well as a large brain that powers both their exceptional eyesight and their creative minds. Their heads have two large compound eyes capable of seeing several hundred meters clearly, unassisted by technology, which is some of the best eyesight in the Arthropod world, though some mammalians have better eyesight. In addition to this, the Folc sport a multitude of smaller eyes on the sides of their head, giving them excellent peripheral vision and the ability to see in color and infrared. A pair of antennae rests atop their heads, and though the size varies through out the species, they are generally short and well-defined, able to pick chemicals in the air that the Folc use to communicate, and to smell things nearby. The natural camouflage of the Folc varies, with the most common colors being white (snow and ice), brown and black (rock), mottled green (mosses, grasses, and lichens), and brown for general camouflage. Most Folc do not have wings, and those that do are not able to fly with them. The Folc have a pair of ears on their abdomen, giving them directional hearing, and a mouth and mandibles adapted for communication with each other.

What distinguishes the Folc from other Mantids is their adaptation to not only eat meat, but to eat fungus, vegetables and fruits as well. Followed shortly by the development of fungiculture, which, among other things, gave the Folc a steady food supply, medicine, and increased their size far beyond that of their purely carnivorous brothers. This increased food supply gave birth to civilization as a whole. With the exception of the Fire Folc, most Folc do not do well in the company of other Folc. This was an evolutionary adaptation due to the scarcity of food in the tundra and arctic regions of the world, with the only real contact being when males and females mated and laid eggs that would hatch next spring. However, with greater food supply, civilization did slowly develop, with bonds of fealty being the most common means of maintaining social order. As time went on, this evolutionary hostility towards other Folc died down, with society actively suppressing aggressive instincts towards their fellow Folc. Another major distinction is their massive (comparatively speaking) brains, which allow for higher thought, self-awareness, and due to their logical processes, a very strong understanding of the concrete sciences such as engineering (which made the idea of a clockwork universe run by a master architect, God, all the more appealing to them). A Folc's brain is somewhat decentralized, with major parts of it distributed throughout the thorax, and some places in the abdomen, meaning that it is, in fact, possible for a Folc to survive without a head for some time, and still be able to hear and process some of what is going on around it. However, most of the motor controls are in the head, meaning they have a hard time actually controlling their movements. This makes beheading an exceptionally cruel execution method by the way.

Most Folc are very well adapted for life in the cold tundra, taiga and arctic, able to survive temperatures well into the -30 degrees celsius without going into hibernation, and up to -50 degrees celsius without dying. They accomplish this by producing numerous chemicals like glycol and alcohol in the body to resist frost, which is a feat known as supercooling (-10 c), by controlling centers of nucleation for ice creation by controlling their diet and not eating anything until they have gotten to a warmer location (-20 c), by adapting the said mechanisms to only allow ice creation in the body and not the head (-30 c), and finally, but going into hibernation until the weather warms up (-50 c), a state that they can survive in for anywhere from a few weeks, to indefinitely depending on just how cold it gets. These adaptations, as well as a tendency to wear the furs of mammalians they hunted to further insulate themselves from the cold, and a chemical compound that can be manufactured from naturally occurring plant life to artificially generate heat in the body, made the Folc of the past extremely effective cold weather hunters, a feat unheard of for almost any insect. However, the modern Folc rarely subject themselves to these extremes, and only the most rugged of survivalists live out in the wilds as their ancestors did, and even they use some modern appliances and tools to survive.

When a male and female Folc mated historically, there was no real relationship established. However, such social bonds were supported later on in order to bind society together, and led to familial relations becoming very important to the Folc, as well as establishing  tribalism, dynasties, and later nationalism and patriotism as these bonds became more and more complex and developed. Female Folc can mate several times per year, but can only have a finite number of broods, the maximum number of matings per female before there are no eggs left to fertilize is about ten, since eggs do not replenish (males are not at all limited). Eggs are laid in clutches of a dozen, which, depending on temperatures, can take 3/4ths of a year to hatch, to as little as a couple months under very warm conditions (effectively fooling the eggs to think it is spring time). Jungelings born early are smaller at first, but are otherwise completely the same as regular jungelings. They take several years to reach physical maturity, with mental maturity taking half a decade, and, in the wild, have to hunt small prey to survive and grow, with the addition of small fruits and vegetables, as well as fungus. With the advent of civilization, however, child rearing is much more efficient, and laws are in place to avoid over population. In times of war, however, reproduction is heavily encouraged so as to replenish losses and such. Recreational sex after there are no eggs left to fertilize, or, in modern times, with the advent of birth control, helps to keep social relationships strong and develop bonds with the community. There are no real stigmas regarding sex, but abortion is seen as the equivalent of murder, and as such is extremely frowned upon.

The Different Species: All Folc are closely related enough to intermix, but distinct enough to be recognized as different species. Length of the body is approximately  2.25 times their height for males, so a Folc who is 3 feet tall will be about 6'8'' long from the tip of the abdomen, to the head. Females have a larger abdomen, as well as larger size in general, so their length is 2.4 times their height. Due to interbreeding, characteristics from some species have mixed in with other species, so a Common Folc with wings, while "uncommon," is not unheard of. However, mortality rates and failed births from such hybrids is around 5% to 40% without medical intervention.

The Common Folc are, as the name implies, the most common. They live mostly in the river valleys and on mountain slopes, where food is plentiful and the ground well drained, making it excellent for both fungiculture, foraging, hunting, and growing the rarer fruit bearing plants. They are the second largest of the Folc, standing anywhere from 3 and a half feet, to almost 5 feet tall. Their brains are highly specialized for toolmaking and a natural understanding of mathematics, with advanced creativity such as art and poetry being a byproduct; these people gave birth to several of the world's most popular religions, the Faith included. Their skill in combat is not to be underestimated, due to their propensity for developing complex tactics, building large structures of first wood, then stone, and now metal, as well as generally being very agile and quick on their feet. They come in many different colors and are often mixed, depending upon the environment. Life expectancy is about 50 years on average.

The Noble Folc are a subspecies of the Common Folc that came about due to the tendency for the nobility to select the most powerful, most intelligent, most beautiful, etc, Folc to breed with as their right as feudal lords, and over the course of many generations, this selective breeding has gotten to the point where, genetically, the Noble Folc are really a different species. They are the least common Folk species, and the only major change is that the Noble Folc are without a doubt, the largest of the Folc, with minimum height being 4 feet tall, and maximum height being a massive five and a half feet. Coloration is also somewhat different, with a greater tendency for glossy blacks, dark greens, and drab browns, and mixing of only two colors at most on the thorax and the abdomen. Modern science has also shown that they are biologically better at social interaction, and can better process concepts and ideas relating to society due to epigenetic changes over many, many years. They also live 20 years longer on average (Theocratic Oligarchy) with a life expectancy of about 75 years on average, though some have lived to more than 90 years old. They are predominantly the nobility of the Imperium, and hold many important positions. The Emperor, notably, is a Noble Folc (and a depressed SOB).

The second most common species are the Mountain Folc, or People of the Earth. Their hunting strategy differs from other Folc in that they built large burrows, lived in caverns and caves, and eventually delved into the mountains themselves to live in instead of spending their lives out on the Tundra. As such, they have less resistance to the cold and are somewhat smaller, with the smallest of them being only 4 feet tall, and the shortest around 3 feet. Their fungiculture was more advanced, and they domesticated several species of wingless cricket to suppliment their food supply, to use as manual labor, and for use as riding mounts when they ventured out to hunt for game. Due to their lifestyle, they cannot survive in the cold as well as the Common Folc. Conflict and intermixing took place between the Common Folc and the Mountain Folc, leaving few Purebreeds among the Mountain Folc due to their smaller population size. They have a reputation for being traders and miners, and host the only true Republics in the world (subservient to the Emperor of course).  In the military, the serve in all walks of life, but are most commonly foundLike the Common Folc, they life expectancy is about 50 years on average.

The second least common species Folc are the Forest Folc. They are the least omnivorous and most stocky and powerful of the Folc, and live in a taiga environment closer to the equator that has extremely unpredictable weather in the winter months, with temperatures varying from -5 celsius to -50 celsius. As such, they are the most likely to just hibernate when the weather gets very extreme, then wake up a few days later to continue hunting. One might imagine why they do not grow much food, then, when it is at such great risk of being ruined by sudden frost. Instead, they mostly hunt big game (which isn't very common in the taiga), and are some of the more ferocious and solitary species of Folc out there, with a reputation for cannibalism when food cannot be found. This gave rise to their nickname, the "Wild Folc." Despite this fearsome reputation, modern society has treated them very well, and their population has remained somewhat constant, with a slow rise over the centuries as housing and technology improved. Their four raptorial arms are the least vestigial, with large spikes and croppings made for grappling, wrestling, incapacitating, killing, and whatever else they use raptorial arms for. They often have difficulty with many modern tools without surgical modification of their arms and fingers, and are incapable of using modern equipment that hasn't been specially designed for their body type. They are also the shortest-lived of the Folc, with a life expectancy of only 40 years; this figure was even lower until recently, thanks to the harsh environment they live in.

The third least common species, just after the Noble Folc, are the Fire Folc. They live on an island continent dominated by volcanoes, and have the most extensive and robust fungiculture and agriculture, and eat the least meat. Their size is somewhat smaller, on average, than the Common Folc, but larger than the Mountain Folc, and they live in a land that sees no winter. Their fingers are the most developed, and they have created numerous inventions, such as the time piece, the circuitboard, as well as the biscuit. Due to their rarity outside their homeland (because the rest of the world is either temperate forest, taiga, tundra, or fucking arctic), they are very interesting to behold once one does come across them due to their strange body shapes and flared wings, being the only species that still has them (though some of the other species have developed wings due to interbreeding). Interbreeding between this species and others is the least successful, with 40% of all eggs failing to hatch, and another 30% dying before they reach maturity. Modern science and medicine, however, have made the survival rate after hatching increase greatly, with only 5% dying before maturity. They come in many different greens, reds and blacks, and the wings are often used in both mating and threat displays. They lack the ability to supercool their hemolyph below 0 degrees celsius, and need to wear winter clothing and ingest chemicals to artificially warm their bodies to survive. They don't get lethargic in the cold, they just freeze and die. Life expectancy of about 55 years.

The final species is the Summer, or Fair, Folc. They make their home on the equatorial coasts and several large islands and archipelagos, and have the most dizzying array of colors on any of the Folc, from mesmerizing purples to dazzling pinks. They are also the most experienced seamen and navigators of the Folc, with a naval tradition going back millennia. Their exoskeletons tend to take on the shapes of flowers that bloom in the spring, a vestigial adaptation from when they were much, much smaller, and they have the second longest lifespan of about 65 years. They are also almost completely unadapted for cold weather, and cannot survive temperatures below -10 celsius without furs, as they lack the adaptations to hibernate and control frost beyond alcohol production. Their size is similar to the Common Folc, and they are the "artsiest" of all the sub species, though part of this is due to conformation to stereotypes. Temperatures range from a scorching 21 degrees celsius in the summer, to a mild -15 degrees celsius in the coldest of the winter months, though even then it rarely drops below -5 celsius. They are the most energetic of the species, but become very lethargic in the cold.

Grand Description of Empire and History:
The Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm is a successor state to the, previously, largest empire in the world (which also followed a pagan belief system, which still survives culturally to this day). A complex administration run by the clergy, a mixture of landed priests and non-church nobility, and a track record for developing innovative machines and tactics to enforce the Will of the Emperor, and a motivated populace, lead to this nation's dominance over all others, followed by almost complete (in name) hegemony over the petty lords who still claimed independence. The Faith has vast holdings apart from the secular nobility, with force in arms great enough to openly contest them should an occasion arise. Five Holy Orders also exist that have a great deal of personal loyalty to the Emperor, and are technically autonomous from the rest of the Faith. However, many of the institutions are showing their age and are in need of reform, and the Holy Emperor himself has almost no power, choking in the grip of the Faith that has grown beyond its stated loyalty, and instead uses its power to decide for the Emperor what his Will is. A Conclave, formed by a previous Emperor to advise her on matters of state, has the real power in this world, and anyone who climbs high enough to reach the top echelons of society will rapidly find themselves disillusioned of the Imperial Myth. The Archpaladin, for example, is the one individual who should be the Emperor's greatest ally, but the Conclave has subverted this stated purpose by appointing the Archpaladin for the Emperor. Despite its treachery, the Conclave is, generally speaking, competent, and is not so corrupt that it completely ignores the needs of its citizenry...if it aligns with their own goals. The Grandmasters are loyal to the Emperor, and due to tradition and precedent, cannot be removed from the Conclave without sparking public inquiry. Still, they lack the political clout to make a firm stand against the rest of the Conclave, and their days are numbered. The common Folc, of course, are almost completely unaware of this political situation thanks to the propaganda of the Church, and the Conclave that enforces the Will of the Emperor.

The Holy Emperor (hereditary monarch and theoretical head of state): An iconic symbol of Cirnii society, the Emperor was appointed by God himself to enlighten the rest of the world and order it, so that they may be made ready for the Endtimes. Should the Emperor and his descendants fail in this task, the world itself would be doomed to a slow death. If they were to succeed, however, then they would be able to successfully resist the Apocalypse, and usher in a new blessed epoch. God's Messiah, the King of Kings, was successful in converting many Folc to his belief, until eventually the S.I.B.C.R. adopted it as its official religion and made his lineage the Dynasty of the Imperium. Since that time, the Emperor's household, never having much power in the first place, has lost more and more power. Fast forward to the modern day. The Emperor is a trendsetter, since he is the Directly Anointed of God, and the people follow his move (which is why the Conclave works so hard to control him). For example, when a previous Emperor, on a rare excursion, visited a research institute, he made research and development into computing technology mainstream by expressing interest in the experimental design put forth by a young Folc. Naturally, modern computers are highly advanced, and even the the Order of the Faith and Sword has gotten in on the action by developing combat simulators for soldiers that became very popular with the public. The simulator industry is now their largest sources of income, even higher than Imperial subsidies or taxation of citizens living under their protection in their holdings. The Emperor is allowed to have multiple Consorts, but only a few have ever exercised this right (one of which was notably a female), and some Emperors were even celibate (so that their offspring would not inherit their dangerous gifts). To give an idea of what the current Emperor is like, his personal ethos would be Pacifist, Materialist, Collectivist. He thinks the Faith is bullshit, but can do nothing about it.

The next most powerful people in the Imperium are the Patriarchs and the Exarchs. There are five Patriarchs, top level administrators of de jure Imperial territory, and seven Exarchs who, while nominally are on the same level, but in reality are somewhat lower in power, who administrate territories that have been "recently" annexed into the Imperium. The process by which an Exarch becomes a Patriarch is a long one, which will not be addressed in great deal. Below the Patriarch(Exarch)s are Archbishophrics, who handle the equivalent Feudal Kingdoms, Bishops who administrate singular kingdoms, Archimandrites who administrate ducal titles, Archpriests who deal with territory on the provincial level, and priests who manage individual holdings in the Church. Each is subservient to the tier above them, with the Patriarchs subservient to the Grand Patriarch of the Faith, who in turn is directly subservient of the Emperor himself. Unlanded members of the faith are referred to as Clergy, and various other titles can be bestowed upon any member of the Faith. Notably, only the Grand Patriarch has a seat reserved for him in the Conclave, though the other Patriarchs and Exarchs can be given a seat should they also hold another title or be an expert on a field of study, such as chemistry, and be invited as a guest.

The Feudal Lords and the Free Cities (republics) of the Mountain Folc are not to be underestimated, either. Though all but the largest of them lack the industrial capacity to develop the largest machines of war, they have many more Folc they can bring under arms than a Patriarch can, and vastly outnumber the Church when all are counted together. Each one has a rich history and a proud army, with both victories and defeats on their belts. Unique technology, unique strategies, uniqe tactics, all different from the Imperial Retinue and the Imperial Cirnii Navy. However, by nature, they are disunited and look after their own interests first. Knowing what these interests are, and giving them some of what they want to get what you want, is the name of the game with them. Push too hard, and they'll resist. Give a little ground now, and return the favor tenfold in the future.

To come: Indepth description of the Holy Orders, the secular vassals, military technology, current policies, etc.

Conclave Positions: There are approximately 27 Conclave positions, of varying degrees of importance.

Archpaladin and Protector of the Realm: Hand of the Emperor, who rules in his/her name according to the Will of Emperor and the Divine; in actuality, the Conclave appoints the Archpaladin, and simply claim that the Emperor installed him/her. He is the equivalent of a Prime Minister or a Chancellor, and wields a great deal of political clout.
Grandmaster of the Order of the Hospitallers: The Grandmaster commands a holy order that specializes in humanitarian causes, religious advice, medical aid, as well as general service. Their hospices and hospitals are subsidized by the church, thus providing services to all followers of the faith wherever they may be in the Imperium. They've opened several research institutes, and those wishing to secure a degree from the Academy often get practical experience at one of the many holdings of the Hospitallers. Their manuals and texts of anatomy are some of the most detailed in the world as well, due to their many centuries of operating both in Hospitals, and on battlefields. Due to their vast control over the health sector, the Conclave has been trying to work their digits into the flesh of the Holy Order, with little success. Following that failure, they have begun promoting civilian growth in medical facilities, with much greater success. Their coat of arms is a purple flame surrounded by an ocean blue.
Grandmaster of the Order of the Citadel: The oldest Holy Order, founded shortly after the Imperium itself was reborn, it works closely with the Protector of the Realm to garrison population centers and protect important members of the church, and has had the honor of  personally guarding the past few Emperors. They are the most loyal to the Emperor, but the Grandmaster does not have the power to openly confront the deceitful elements in society. Coincidentally, they are also the smallest Holy Order after the devastating losses sustained in the last Weltkrieg, sustained due to their brave and heroic sacrifices in the name of the Emperor and are still recovering. Their engineers are skilled, even for the Folc, and there are many historical documents detailing their ability, even in ancient times, to come up with innovative ways to tear down the defenses of the foes of the Imperium. Their coat of arms is a black castle with three towers, each representing a pillar of the Faith, surrounded by gray clouds.
Grandmaster of the Order of the Holy Spirit: This Grandmaster leads a holy order that specializes in religious conversion and special operations against enemies of the church, as well as rooting out subversive elements within the Imperium. Many Inquisitors are drawn from this institution, as well as spies and experts in sabotage and espionage. While the Grandmaster himself is, ironically, extremely loyal, the same cannot be said for the rest of the order, which is the least loyal of the Holy Orders. Should a conflict arise between the Emperor and the Conclave, they would be split significantly, with only 4/5ths leaping to the Emperor's aid. Their coat of arms is a green Folc skull with arms folded in a position of prayer, with red eyes and a dark red background.
Grandmaster of the Order of the Faith and Sword: This grandmaster provides the most Paladins to the Imperium out of all the Holy Orders, with a focus on defending the Realm from external threats, as well as being credited with the creation of several strategy games meant to hone the skills of their leaders, and later became very popular with the common Folc. As mentioned previously, the majority of their income is derived from their collaboration with the civilian market to produce video games. Their coat of arms is a shining curved sword with a sapphire in the hilt, enveloped by blue rays resembling that of the sun.
Grandmaster of the Order of the Blue Star: Many clergymen, priests, archpriests, and even paladins work to maintain the machine that is the Imperium the hard way, through hard work and toil, poring over the documents that keep the Realm going; recognized for their many years of service by a previous Emperor, this Holy Order was established and conferred unto a priest of exceptional diligence and zealousness; this Holy Order provides the fewest Paladins, but, somewhat surprisingly, considering they are bookworms (a derogatory term used to refer to a species of pest that live inside of books and rot the insides to survive the winter), they are still among the best warriors in the Imperium. Their coat of arms is a blue sun surrounded by a lighter blue sky.
Grand ClericJ The Grand Cleric represents the administrative arm of the Imperium, keeping the Conclave informed of developments within their demesne; traditionally, a member of the Order of the Clerics of the Blue Star has been appointed to this role. Recently, however, the past few Grand Clerics have come from places outside of the Holy Order, limiting the power of the Holy Orders.
Grand Theologian: Traditionally an expert on the Faith and scripture who functions in a similar capacity as a lawyer, the current Grand Theologian is no different. However, her loyalty to the Emperor has been thrown out the window; fully committed to spinning past decisions in a light that favors the current regime, she is a cunning and wise individual, a veritable wordsmith of the Cirnii people. There are videos on the extranet that feature her completely destroying opponents in religious debates, all while maintaining the facade of a kind-hearted woman. When she became aware of these videos and the memes produced from them, she displayed great talent as a memelord, with several exceedingly funny ones attributed to her. This behavior is unheard of from a member of the Conclave, and there have been some charges of inappropriate behavior for one of her station, but she has deflected all criticism and made her critics seem foolish.
High Inquisitor: An expert on religious doctrine and leader of the Inquisition, which theoretically investigates corruption within the church, the current High Inquisitor has no loyalty to the Emperor, but also does not agree with the direction that the rest of the Conclave is trying to direct the Imperium. Left in the dangerous position of being a filthy neutral in a high place, he keeps a low profile and does just enough to keep both sides' attention away from him, as he tries to just do his job.
Various other statesmen are included in the Conclave as well, usually archpriests or higher who are plying their influence or have been granted a seat as a favor, but also included are Masters of the Arts (scientists) as well as guests who are relevant to topic being discussed. Coincidentally, many of them hold little loyalty to the Emperor.

Military:3 The military is the single most important institution outside of the Church in the Imperium. With a long history of success, numerous traditions, a large populace to draw from and great technological innovation, the Cirnii Imperial Retinues, the Paladins, and even the levies who are called upon in times of war, combine to create a fighting machine that few contemporaries could match. However, the lack of a large centralized standing army, the decentralized nature of the Church, Feudal Lords, Imperial Retinue, City Militias and Holy Order soldiers, give both advantages and disadvantages. The army has a great deal of tactical versatility and utility, but only the larger households, the Church, and the Holy Orders can make war engines and advanced tech in reasonable numbers, whereas the Levies provide mostly light infantry. Also, so many different loyalties, united only by loyalty to the Emperor, often causes disorganization in the initial muster for war, as commanders have to figure out who is doing what. According to law, these various entities don't even have to send all, most, or even any levies at all, but all the same, they usually provide enough so as not to lose face, and as a show of loyalty, they will just as often send more troops than expected in order to gain respect.
Naval:2 With a large amount of coastline, the Imperium has a great deal of naval tradition, but not as much as the army. Often neglected somewhat in the water, the Imperial Navy has seen a resurgence of interest after the discovery of the wormhole generator, and has become greatly involved with the administration in order to work out the logistics of interstellar travel, conflict, etc. Of especial interest are space installations, which are designed with a similar mentality as castles and fortifications on the ground.
Ground:4 The Imperium has a massive amount of experience in ground combat, with a focus on siege warfare due to the natural geography of Carrack. This knowledge has been generally applied to building naval vessels, with some success. However, it is the Army that is truly the pride of the Imperium. With everything from light mechanized walkers, personal power armor, hovertanks, personal energy shields, direct fire energy weapons, aircraft carriers, and, the jewel, Mobile Fortresses that have massive amounts of firepower and armor, the Imperium has spent years upon years of developing (and using) these engines of war. However, as mentioned previously, very few powers actually have the resources to field these monstrosities in large numbers, something which the Conclave hopes to change.

Economy:2 Due to the decentralized nature of the Imperium, the standard of living is generally good, but there are very few industrial centers outside of the regional and Imperial Capital(s) and Holy Order strongholds. The Church can build some of the larger war machines like mechs and power armor, but not in large numbers, and they are usually reserved for Paladins. The major cities, however, are growing fast, and the feudal lords and the Church are struggling to keep pace. The Conclave is trying to develop industry and centralize it across the country, but the Imperium is not so easily corralled.
Industry:2 The state industry is weak for the reasons previously mentioned, and it will be a struggle to reform the nation to the degree necessary to massively build up production of some of the larger designs. This has also made expansion into space somewhat difficult, with a lot of private investment by various institutions into their own projects (represented by the Individualist ethos). However, the Conclave will definitely try.
Tertiary Goods:4 The private sector is growing rapidly, with civilian goods increasing in availability, such as radios, computers, and other luxury items. Civilian trade has also been experiencing a (relative) boom now that peace reigns across the world, but it will take a long time to recover from the Weltkrieg. Many things that were previously regarded with suspicion, have dramatically increased in popularity due to the Emperor's influence. When the Emperor gave a speech on television, it was the first time many Cirnii had seen him. When it was discovered that the Emperor had been playing video games under an alias (so as to not disturb the peace of my citizens), the industry boomed, and gamers were no longer regarded with (open) derision, lest they insult the Emperor by association. (It is a form of escapism for him, since he doesn't have much choice in how his life goes. Might as well have fun.) As a side benefit, the city levies have become slightly more skilled in combat due to the increase in the consumption of VR combat simulators. A Virtual Combat Arena was built by the Order of the Faith and Sword, which also increased recruitment as well as funds yet again. The current "best fighter in the world" is a minor clergyman from the Order of the Blue Star, much to the dismay of the other Holy Orders.  

Technology:5 With a focus on developing better ways to kill each other and ways to not get killed, technological development has been driven by almost constant conflict with the Imperium's neighbors, with a focus on castles, fortresses, armor design, and power armor. The crowning jewel of this development is, of course, the mobile fortress. Only ten exist, with one belonging to each of the Holy Orders, two belonging to the Imperial Household, and three belonging to the Church. The Imperium would make more, but with no more enemies to speak of and a lack of resources to build them, they are likely to be left as wall-pieces in a massive museum somewhere in the future. But not today.
Researched:5 Cirnii scientists have a holy duty, according to their faith, to discover the "truth" of the universe. The Church promotes learning, experimentation and research, and some of the most famous academics have been theologians, like the clergyman who did fungus experiments in the local Monastic farm, or the archpriest who developed a serum to strengthen the immune system against parasites. However, it technological development wasn't just limited to health and genetics, as noted above. Still, this type of research is likely to gain precedence in the future, now that warfare has ceased following the Imperium's total victory over and vassalization of its foes.
Scavenged:1 With no ancient technological ruins to speak of, scavenging for tech has simply not been an option up to this point. However, intellectual espionage has been useful, and reverse engineering of opponent's tech that is captured on the battlefield is not uncommon. However, espionage was widespread enough on Carrak that they rarely needed to resort to this. The trouble is building the damn things, not figuring out how to do it.

Diplomacy:3 Good diplomacy is vital in a society that is reliant on a lord's opinion of you when deciding whether or not to help you in a conflict. As such, the Folc have developed numerous social constructions, such as "manners" and the concept of "politeness," especially when someone important, or who is higher than you on the social ladder, is involved. This is doubly important for the Emperor, who, by his actions, can set precedent or start trends by accidentally taking off his shoes improperly, or expressing how much he likes a certain kind of food. Words are measured, actions calculated. Deeds cannot be undone.
Understanding:4 Understanding the social context of a situation, the various cues, as well as expected behavior, could make or break a deal or an agreement. Betrayal is highly frowned upon, and rebellion is only acceptable if you win. Coercion is no excuse.
Espionage:2 Espionage was, as mentioned previously, was the default method by which new tech was acquired, whether it be from allies or from friends, and it really was just expected behavior for the most part. With that said, it is expected for parties to not be open about stealing from others.

Culture:2 There are many different cultures on Carrak, with the Cirnii one simply being the most widespread. There are many followers of the Faith, which is the official religion of the Imperium. However, many pagan beliefs live on, and some Folc are openly infidels and heretics. However, this is not illegal in the Imperium, which is surprisingly tolerant of other faiths. As long as you swear fealty to the Emperor, you can keep you ways.
Internal Stability:3 Which, naturally, is a bit troublesome when it comes to national unity. While the core Imperial holdings are general loyal, the Exarchates are not, and let's not get back into the whole Conclave conspiring against the Emperor bit, and the fact that there are literally organizations everywhere with their own private armies.
Marketability:3 The Faith is not an overly oppressive religion, and is really quite liberal when compared to other religions on Carrak. However, the central mythos of the belief is fairly standard, that of an apocalypse coming to end the world and such. However, where it differs is that it has a living head of the faith, whose job is to protect the Folc through unity, and who is prophesied to save existence and bring about heaven on Carrack. If you are an omnivorous arthropod, the Imperium has quite a few different delicacies, such as a fermented fungus encrusted with mammalian bits, a type of beer that is synthesized from the very chemicals that stop them from freezing in the cold, and other niceties.  

Quirk: The Folc have a fixation on siege warfare and siege engines due to their evolutionary history, as well as recent history. Despite their lack of focus on the Navy as a whole, their space installations (and ground defenses) are of superb quality, and they have basically skipped Space Outposts and jumped to Space Stations. Now they just need to build them (which will be difficult, since the state economy is weak).

Quirk: Due to their societal structure, and despite having the technology to develop amazing and devastating machines of war, the number of said machines are limited. Most levies will be equipped with light walkers or light power armor AT MOST. Only the largest of regional demesnes, the Holy Orders, the Church, and the Imperial Retinue itself have the best equipment, and this is limited once more due to the fact that the other institutions are not forced to send all their stuff in the event of war.

Quirk: Due to the nature of the government, recent unification and lack of national identification, many of the feudal lords in the newer Exarchates are disloyal, and the Imperium has not establish a strong presence there. The Conclave itself is trying to reform society at the expense of the Holy Orders, dividing the country once more. This, combined with the decentralized nature of the realm, makes the Imperium especially susceptible to espionage. Divided government, go!

Quirk: The common Folc are very loyal to the Emperor, and he is central to society at all echelons. Open incitement against the Emperor will draw incredible backlash (which can be exploited, hint hint) from the public at large. Public happiness is hard to bring down, unless something extraordinary happens, like the Emperor being assassinated. But that would never happen.

Last edited by Vagrant Hero on Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:15 pm; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Formatting and grammar)
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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Caspoi Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:45 am

Yet more resilient peoples. Interesting faction by the way.


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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:12 am

Caspoi wrote:Yet more resilient peoples. Interesting faction by the way.

Thanks for the compliment. I planned on being resilient anyway, since this is basically an alternate universe version of my empire from the Aftermath thread. Tried to give them the feel of a nation that had seen many years of strife, but ultimately came out on top due to luck as much as anything. But yeah, I spent a lot of time researching stuff, and I have many more things to add to this like a species description and culture thing. If you have any recommendations, I'd like to hear them.
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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Caspoi Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:28 am

I for one would like to know what your species looks like, you did not describe them and have no picture of them.


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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:30 am

*edit* Species description has been added.
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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Caspoi Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:44 am

This reminds me of my Swarmling Castes.


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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:46 am

Indeed. So many different species on the same world. However, they truly aren't too much different from each other, in that they all have the same traits. In a way, its just fluff. I also forgot to add the Fire Folc, so I added it in now. The plan is to be able to RP as a lot of different organizations and people, hence the decentralized structure and the variety within the genus. Who knows, they might even get along with the Swarm since they are also bugs. Probably not.
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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Caspoi Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:50 am

They are certainly the most likely ones to be treated as Another Swarm, rather than as simply animals. However considering how the Swarms generally treat one Another I am not sure that this is an improvement.


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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:53 am

How does the Swarm communicate? As another race of insects that use body language, pheromones as well as vocalization to communicate, they may well have a leg up on that poor artist who got torn up.
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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Caspoi Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:00 pm

Just that, body language, pheromones and vocalization. They both secrete different kinds of scents to give communication (practical as it stays for a while) and also use their mandibles for communication.


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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:03 pm

Interesting. So, if we can figure out what chemicals mean what, and generally use similar body language (such as rearing up and making yourself look like a badass when you feel threatened), then there may be hope for the future. Or, we'll misinterpret what the other says, and we'll be rocking out in space to this song.
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Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm Empty Re: Serene Imperium of the Blessed Cirnii Realm

Post by Vagrant Hero Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:16 pm

Mini-update: revised some parts of the species description, added reason for fast breeder and solitary, as well as extra biology and pre-civilization behavior stuff.
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